NATURE WEEK – Foraging for Forms w/ Anne Bujold

All Levels $100-$150 Materials and Studio Fees*

Let’s bring observation of the natural world into the studio, inspiring the creation of a small-scale botanical sculpture with an array of metalsmithing techniques. Combining visual thinking strategies with sheet metal forming, non-ferrous forging, Little Torch welding, and bronze brazing, we will consider the many ways to represent organic forms through material. We will explore the direct casting of natural forms using investment molds, as well as combining steel and non-ferrous metals. Come prepared to experiment, explore, and dive deep into the possibilities of using our artistic practice as a vehicle to expand our understanding of the natural world.

*Materials and studio fees are charged to students based on studio usage and materials Touchstone is providing at the request of the instructor. Additionally, some instructors may also require that you bring certain materials and tools with you, in which case a list will be provided. Final cost of these fees will be posted at least two weeks ahead of the workshop to be paid in full prior to check-in.



WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS should bring the following materials for the workshop
*It is recommended that you wait to hear if the workshop is running before you purchase materials. Touchstone will let you know if a workshop is running no later than 2 weeks before the start of the class. Regardless of the outcome of the class, running or not, Touchstone is not responsible for the reimbursement of any materials bought for a workshop.

  1. Any of your own personal tools that you wish to use (Optional)
  2. Any sheet metal, wire – no galvanized steel
  3. Sawblades
  4. Seed heads or bugs for casting
  5. Books, reference materials)
  6. Safety glasses
  7. Sketch book, Pen, Pencil
  8. Apron (Optional)
  9. Reusable Water Bottle

Download this list: Foraging for Forms_Materials List



2025 Instructors

Anne Bujold
Metals/Jewelry Studio Instructor